The organization must be diligent about managing costs, optimizing resources, and ensuring that the projects contribute to the corporate goals. 这个组织必须勤于管理成本,优化资源,并保证这些项目都为共同的目标做出贡献。
Ease of download and installation could result in product proliferation inside an IT organization, in turn raising operational costs and ruining standardization efforts. 下载和安装的简易性可能造成IT组织内部产品的分支繁殖,并增加操作成本和破坏标准化的努力。
Ma Jun from the Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs, a non-governmental organization, admitted their concerns that legal costs would be quite high. 来自非政府机构公众与环境研究中心的马军坦言他们担心诉讼费用将会是个天文数字。
And when problems are identified, they require significant rework by the development organization, increasing project costs and impacting delivery schedules. 一旦问题被识别出来,就需要开发部门付出艰辛的工作,不仅增加了项目成本而且还会影响到发布日程。
Funds required for operating, maintenance and administrative costs of the Organization pending availability of revenues to meet such costs, and pursuant to Article VIII ( 3). 在获得支付这些费用的收入之前,按照第八条第3款的规定,本组织的经营维护和管理费用所需要的基金。
Because the amortization of organization costs usually is immaterial in dollar amount, this convenient treatment is justified by the accounting principle of materiality. 因为开办费的摊销金额通常不大,这种简便的处理方法符合重要性原则的要求。
In the balance sheet, organization costs appear under the other assets caption. 在资产负债表中,开办费出现在其他资产项目下。
At the same time monitoring ( and stopping) these virtual instances provided the usage analysis capabilities required for the organization to dynamically assess and leverage infrastructure costs. 与此同时,对这些虚拟实例加以监控(和阻止)为组织提供了所需的使用分析能力从而使其能够动态评估和利用基础架构成本。
Conceptually, organization costs are an intangible asset that will benefit the corporation over its entire life. 从概念上讲,开办费是一项无形资产,它将使公司在其整个存续期受益。
By configuring and locking particular user settings, you can preserve a consistent desktop environment across your organization and reduce your support costs. 通过配置和锁定特定的用户设置,可以保持公司内部桌面环境的一致性并减少支持费用。
These costs are charged to an asset account entitled organization costs. 这些成本计入一个名为开办费的资产账户。
Doing so may be difficult in the short run, but, over time, it's the only sure way to be certain all of the organization's direct and indirect costs are covered. 短期内这样做可能有困难,但是,从长远看,这是保住组织所有直接和间接成本的唯一可靠的办法。
The agricultural cooperative is a quasi-integrated organization, which can avoid unduly high costs of both transaction and management and ward off external opportunistic threats. 农业合作社作为一种准一体化组织,既能消除过高的市场交易成本,又能避免一体化组织的过高管理成本,且能够消除外部机会主义的制约。
Budget management is integral part of enterprise management, it plays an important role in efficiently programming and controlling finance activity, in collocating finance resource and reducing its internal organization costs and in realizing finance objective. 企业预算管理是企业管理的重要组成部分,它对有效地规划和控制企业财务活动,合理配置企业财务资源降低企业内部组织成本,实现财务目标有着十分重要的作用。
The paper theoretically and experimentally concludes that there's no accurate optimal scale and production model for farmland, under different condition of constraint, the persons concerned would choose the kind of economic organization that costs least in transaction. 从理论上和经验上得出如下结论:土地经营并没有确切的最优规模界限和最优生产模式,在不同的约束条件下,行为当事人将选择交易费用最低的经济组织形式。
This paper first introduces how to strengthen the management of health economics from three aspects which include organization setup, charging management and costs evaluation; 该文从组织落实、收费管理、成本核算三个方面介绍了医院强化卫生经济管理的作法,指出:医疗与经济相结合的管理是医院取得最大效益的根本保证;
While the existing and evolution of the organization not only lies on reducing transaction costs, it can benefit from the performance advantages, too. 而经济组织的存在和演进并不一定仅仅取决于节约交易成本,还可以从效益优势中获得存在和发展的依据。
The cost of different organization forms is also different. The union of producers uses a certain kind of organization form, because it costs lowest of all. 不同的组织形式的组织成本也是不同的,生产者的联合之所以采用某种组织形式联合,是因为该组织形式的成本是最低的。
Family organization structure can reduce exchange costs effectively and promote efficiency of governance. 一方面家族制可以有效降低企业交易成本,提高治理效率;
The function of education organization is economizing transaction costs. 教育组织的功能通过对教育个体交易行为的协调来节约交易费用。
Every factor that can affect the firm's production costs, organization costs, transaction costs, and purchasing prices may have remarkable influences on the firm's make-or-buy decisions. 能够影响企业的生产成本、组织成本、交易成本和中间品购买价格的一切因素,都可能对企业的自制-外购决策产生重要影响。
The article tools of agency theory and organization costs theory and so on. 本文主要利用国外的管理层收购理论:专业化的投资剥削论,委托代理理论及组织成本理论来研究。
Now China has become a member of World Trade Organization, which furthermore reduces the costs of our enterprises to join the world economy. 现在,我国已加入世界贸易组织,这更为我国企业融入世界经济降低了成本,跨国公司是中国企业的下一个发展目标。
The effective promoting of regional economic cooperation must be fully taken into account coordination costs and obstacles between regions, by consciously innovating and developing kinds of intermediary organization to reduce cooperative costs professionally. 促进我国区域经济合作必须充分考虑到跨越区域或省际的市场协调成本与障碍,要通过有意识地发展和创新中间性组织专业化地降低合作成本,为促进区域经济合作创造条件。
The paper analysis of our enterprise cost management organization and the present situation of the costs do not lead to tissue the reasonable factor, put forward the practical and effective measures is the focus of this part. 分析了我国企业组织成本管理的现状和导致组织成本不合理的各项因素,提出切实有效的优化措施是本部分的重点。
A whole set of organization is with low costs, performance is stabilized, run safely. 整套机构成本低、性能稳定、运行安全。
As an important means of gaining and maintaining competitive advantage, supply chain alliance is not a stable organization form, which increases operating costs of supply chain firms. 作为获得与维持竞争优势的重要手段,供应链联盟越来越受到企业的重视。然而,它并不是一种稳定的组织形式,其不稳定性增加了联盟成员的运作成本。
The supply of public services is high costs, including high organization costs, high operating costs and high decision-making costs. 即供给成本偏高,主要是组织成本偏高、运行成本偏高以及决策成本偏高。
Farmer cooperatives unite scattered farmers to increase the degree of organization of farmers, reduce the transaction costs and improve the ability to resist risks. 农民专业合作社将分散的农户联合起来,提高了农民的组织化程度,降低了交易费用,提高了抵御风险的能力。
Through the multi-agency relations, corporate governance structure forms a organization system to mutually condition, reduce agency costs and improve the efficiency of decision-making in the aspects of encouragement and supervision, coordinate right-duty-benefit, information exchanges. 公司治理结构是通过多层委托代理关系,从激励和监督、权责利对等、信息交流等方面形成一个相互制约、降低代理成本、提高决策效率的组织体系。